Monday, June 23, 2008

She passed!

I'm a bad mommy and just took Bella to her "newborn" hearing exam. Yes, she'll be three months this week. Oops! I dropped the boys off with dh at work (love that his new boss doesn't mind!) and off we went to the All Children's Specialty Care. It's only the second time I've been in there. The first being 3 years ago (nearly to the month I think) when Ian had to see a surgeon for his suspected MRSA as an infant. It still smells and looks pretty new.

We got all checked in and I nursed her hoping she would fall asleep. And she did...for about 2 minutes. So I tried the other side and of course, that's when the audiologist came in. She was very nice though and as Bella was the only patient she had at the time, she sat and asked the questions she needed to ask me and we talked a few minutes hoping Bella would fall asleep again. No.Such.Luck.

I gave up and we headed for the sound proof room. I had to ask her if she ever used it to vent frustrations but she said she hadn't. She must not have toddlers. LOL I could so use one of those rooms where I could shut myself away for a minute and just SCREAM. Hmm...maybe I could just throw the kids in and close the door. That sounds even better! ;)

She said I could hold Bella during the exam so it all worked out okay. It's the first time I've ever seen one of my kids get a hearing exam. The previous two times were in the hospital and the parents don't go in. She clipped the wire to Bella's shirt and put in a tiny earplug and then the computer sent different tones and beeps and recorded how her ear reacted. Then we switched sides. To keep her happy and still, the Dr used a light from an otoscope and bubbles. She also did a second test to check how her eardrums reacted to stimulus. She passed them all!

You'd think my story would end there but no it doesn't. As we were doing the right ear OAE, Bella decided to poop...all over her white pants, out the back and onto who??... you guessed it- ME!! Ugh. I had just enough wipes left to clean her up. I stashed her pants in a diaper baggie and thankfully the Dr gave us a trash bag for the mess. Oh the fun of a breastfed baby! Needless to say, we had to make a pitstop at home before going to pick up the boys. We both needed a clothing change!

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