Tuesday, May 19, 2009

It's Raining...

It's pouring...

Don't get me wrong. I'm grateful for the rain. We're in a 3 year drought here in Florida but we don't get this much rain during a hurricane! At least during a hurricane we get sun in between the rain bands. The past 2 days have been cloudy and rainy all. day. long. Makes walking Logan to class very difficult (dropped him in car line this morning) since I have all 3 kids to keep dry. Picking him up is just as much fun. Yesterday I left the truck on (remote start) with the younger two all buckled up and went to get Logan by myself. Before anyone jumps on me, I'm within eyeshot the entire time and the doors are locked. The kindergarten walkers are all brought out to the front of the school. Hopefully with the rain now and all this week and of course our normal summer showers our local swimming hole will fill up quickly so we can go have some fun in the sun and water!

Here are some pics I took of the rain coming down and the flooding of my backyard. It's all soaked in now thankfully.



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